Premium CBD Products You Can Trust!
We offer CBD Products in Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum CBD Isolate to Meet Your Needs

Why Is CBD So Important To Us Our Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?
Wait; Endo What?
Scientists initially discovered the (ECS) endocannabinoid system (mouthful, right?) while trying to understand the effects of cannabis. They named this biological system after discovering it’s involved in many of the basic functions of the human body. Here we would give you a list of all the many benefits but unfortunately we cannot. The FDA prohibits all CBD company's from making any claims about their ability to treat specific aliments and/or health conditions.
As a leader in the CBD market one of our top priorities is to be in compliance with FDA regulations while creating quality CBD products for our many vocal and loyal customers. As clinical research trials grow we look forward to the day to be able to scream from the top of the mountains of the many stories and benefits we hear daily! We encourage you to give LiveLife Ceuticals Premium CBD products a try!
- CB1
- CB2
Education is everything to us so in this section if there is a term that you are not familiar with you can click on it to learn more about it. Knowledge is Power!
There are 2 types of cannabinoids. Endocannabinoids which are cannabinoids produced within our body naturally and photocannabinoids which are produced in plants like hemp and cannabis. The two most known and abundant plant cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the only psychoactive cannabinoid; which is what gives you that high feeling and cannabidiol (CBD).
Cannabinoids are fat-soluble chemical messengers that activate 2 types of receptors found in our Endocannabiniod System throughout our entire body in which to help with improving the ability to maintain homeostatis. There are at least 113 cannabinoids isolated in hemp and although we only produce our products from CBD derived from hemp with less then the legal limit of .3% THC these same cannabinoids can be found in cannabis as well.
All cannabinoids offer many different benefits that you probably are already hearing from so many people sharing their experiences with you but again because of FDA compliance regulations we am not qualified and/or allowed to share it with you.
There’s a lot of research being done on cannabinoids right now because the therapeutic potential is limitless. For this reason, CBD is on the verge of a widespread movement.
Stories of Hope Encouragement
The many customers who use our premium CBD products are happy to talk about their personal journeys!