100% of our Hemp comes from the United States right inside Kentucky under the only United States Pilot Program that allows us to legally sell CBD in all 50 states as well as Internationally.
What is CBD oil?
CBD or cannabidiol is just one of over 85 cannabinoids discovered so far in the different types of cannabis, including marijuana and hemp. CBD is present in more significant quantities in hemp than marijuana, and because it is non-psychoactive, CBD is widely regarded as the cannabinoid with the most health potential by researchers. We suggest you do your own research on CBD and cannabinoids.
What is the difference between the CBD oil and THC oil?
CBD oil for sale is made from hemp (cannabis sativa) and contains no or little THC. THC oil is made from cannabis and contains lots of THC and usually very little CBD. THC oil is also called Rick-Simpson oil and is illegal in the most parts of the world because of the high concentration of THC.
Does CBD oil cause you to get high or stoned?
No, CBD oil does not contain any psychoactive substances, and it does not stone you. Consumers say, however, that it is relaxing.
CBD oil won’t get you high because it has been specifically produced to minimize THC count (the stuff that gets you high) while maximizing CBD count (the stuff that actually prevents you getting high).
Does CBD help with my illness?
We sell CBD oil as a dietary supplement and we do not make any medical statements. Many people, including our customers, benefit from CBD oil. If you want to know if CBD can help with a certain illness or suffering, then follow this question on the Internet.
How to store CBD oil?
CBD oil is best stored in a dark, cool place. CBD oil is sensitive to light and air, so the bottle of CBD oil should be fitted well after use. The oil is suitable for daily use, so it is easiest to reach if placed in an easily accessible place. Most people simply place the oil in their kitchens.
Can you make any claims about what CBD can do for me?
No. Our CBD-rich hemp oil products can fall into different categories depending on how they are marketed and sold: they can be considered a food or a nutritional supplement. Our CBD is a natural constituent of industrial hemp oil.
What is the best way to produce CBD-rich cannabis oil?
The cannabis oil that is typically available in dispensaries is THC-dominant with little cannabidiol. To extract CBD-rich cannabis oil, one must start with CBD-Rich plant material. There many ways to extract oil from the cannabis plant, each has its pros and cons. Some methods are safer and more effective than others. Cannabis oils made with neurotoxic solvents like butane and hexane may leave unsafe residues that interfere with immune function and impede healing. Super critical CO2 extraction is non-toxic and produces high quality oil, but requires significant expertise and access to expensive equipment. Home-Browsers can also use safer solvents, such as ethanol, or prevent exposure to organic solvents entirely by using olive oil to extract cannabis oil, according to Dr. Arno Hazekamp director of phytochemical research at Bedrocan BV, which supplies cannabis, including a CBD-rich strain, for the Dutch Health Ministry’s medical marijuana program.
Can I get CBD from juicing raw cannabis?
By juicing or otherwise ingesting raw, unheated cannabis, one consumes THC and other cannabinoids in their acid form. A CBD-rich strain contains CBD-rich (CBDA), which, when heated, becomes CBD. Unheated CBDA and unheated THCA (THC-acid) both have medicinal attributes, but there has been comparatively little scientific research into cannabinoid acids.
Is a CBD-dominant cannabis strain with very little THC better medicine than a cannabis strain with a fifty-fifty CBD-THC mix?
A CBD-dominant strain or product with little THC is not necessarily a superior treatment option compared to a balanced CBD-rich remedy with an equal amount of CBD and THC. A CBD-dominant extract or strain might be optimal for treating anxiety and seizure disorders, but patients with pain syndromes and neurodegenerative disorders may benefit from a substantial amount of THC. CBD and THC act synergistically to potentiate their respective therapeutic attributes. Different ratios of CBD and THC are more suitable for different conditions and different individuals.
Will I flunk a drug test if I medicate with CBD-rich cannabis?
Yes, you may fail a drug test even if you experience no mood-altering affects from your CBD-rich medicine. Drug tests are geared toward identifying THC, not CBD or another cannabinoid. If one medicates with CBD-rich cannabis that has a small amount of THC, the THC may register on the drug test.
How is CBD metabolized when consumed orally? Is it converted to another compound?
CBD is metabolized into an analogous compound, 7-hydroxy-CBD, by the liver. Some 6-OH-CBD may also be formed. But scientists know relatively little about the activity (or lack thereof) of these compounds. There is strong evidence that CBD does not convert to significant amounts THC in the stomach.
I reside outside the United States. How can I obtain CBD-rich remedies?
If you live in one of the 22 countries that have approved CBD, a fifty/fifty CBD/THC whole plant under-the-tongue spray, you may qualify for a prescription. CBD-derived from industrial hemp grown in U.S.A is legal and available in the U.S.A. The Dutch Health Ministry distributes a CBD-rich cannabis strain to patients enrolled in the Netherland’s official medical marijuana program. The official Israeli medical marijuana program also grows and dispenses CBD-rich strains. Those who live outside the USA can also visit—or coordinate with a friend or relative in—Colorado or Washington, where cannabis is legal and available for personal use for those 21 years or older. How one elects to travel with or transport their medication, which is prohibited by federal law, is their own responsibility. High quality CBD-rich products are also available in California. In order to be in receipt of any California cannabis product one must be in possession of a valid medical cannabis recommendation letter from a California physician. Some patients and/or caregivers come to California and establish a temporary California residence to obtain a California ID. With this ID, they can see a California medical cannabis expert, get a letter of recommendation, and then obtain CBD-rich medicine. A number of patients and their families have relocated to cannabis-friendly states in order to access CBD-rich medicine on a consistent basis.
I am from a state where medical marijuana is not yet legal. How can I obtain CBD-rich remedies?
To access CBD-rich medicine, one may need to visit—or coordinate with a friend or relative in—Colorado or Washington, where cannabis is legal and available for personal use for those 21 years or older. How one elects to travel with or transport their medication, which is prohibited by federal law, is their own responsibility. High quality CBD-rich products are also readily available in California. In order to be in receipt of any California cannabis product one must be in possession of a valid medical cannabis recommendation letter from a California physician. Some patients and/or caregivers come to California and establish a temporary California residence to obtain a California ID. With this ID, they can see a California medical cannabis expert, get a letter of recommendation, and then obtain CBD-rich medicine. A number of patients and their families have relocated to cannabis-friendly states in order to access CBD-rich medicine on a consistent basis.
Why are you trying to do more research on CBD when there are so many journal articles reporting its benefits? Don't we already know that CBD will be effective against a variety of illnesses?
Although cannabidiol has been studied since its molecular structure was elucidated in the mid-1960s and there have been numerous CBD lab studies (using mice as test subjects), only a few clinical studies (using people as test subjects in a controlled setting) have been conducted. While these studies strongly suggest that CBD will benefit people, more real-life investigation is called for. We trust ourselves and the doctors we’re working with to do an honest job. We don’t pretend we’re not biased—we’re hoping that CBD-rich cannabis proves helpful to people in various ways. We trust ourselves, nevertheless, to report the facts as we learn them—period.
How do I make CBD-brownies or other CBD-infused edibles?
By the same methods one would use to make any kind of cannabis-infused edible. To make a CBD-rich brownie or another CBD-rich edible, one must first extract oil from a CBD-rich strain and infuse it into olive oil, coconut oil, butter or ghee (clarified butter). These infused oils or butters are the most common ways to cook with cannabis. One will need to combine the CBD-rich plant material (usually the leafy trim) with the oil or butter and expose to low heat over a long period of time—this will help to avoid breakdown and/or vaporization of the CBD and other cannabinoids. After straining out the plant material, one can substitute CBD-rich cannabutter or canna-oil into your favorite recipes. There are many extraction recipes and tutorials available on-line, including, for example, Le Blanc Cne.
Does it matter if CBD is extracted from cannabis or industrial hemp?
We recommend CBD-rich products made using only organic, whole plant cannabis because this offers the best safety profile and superior medicinal benefits. CBD products derived from industrial hemp potentially have several potential problems: Industrial hemp typically contains far less cannabidiol than CBD-rich cannabis strains, so a huge amount of industrial hemp is required to extract a small amount of CBD. This raises the risk of contaminants as hemp is a “bio-accumulator,” meaning the plant naturally drawns toxins from the soil. Additionally, hemp-derived CBD and refined ‘pure’ CBD powder lack critical medicinal terpenes and secondary cannabinoids found in cannabis oil. These compounds interact with CBD and THC to enhance their medicinal benefits.
I have heard that CBD is dominant cannabinoid in hemp plants. Can I just smoke or ingest hemp or ditchweed to get the healing effects of CBD?
It is true that hemp fiber or seed strains will be relatively high in CBD compared to THC, but the overall cannabinoid content of industrial hemp will probably be low. Industrial Hemp is genetically bred to produce fiber for various products or seed for omega oil and nutritional supplements. Industrial hemp is generally not bred for resin production. Without selective breeding for CBD content, CBD yields from hemp are likely to be low.
Can a grower increase CBD content by manipulating environmental factors?
Contrary to some rumors, a plant cannot be made CBD-rich if it lacks the right genetic make-up. The ratio of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids is genetically determined, according to a study by biochemist Etienne de Meijer, Inheritance of the Cannabinoid Phenotype. A grower can, however, influence overall cannabinoid content by manipulating environmental factors—temperature, light, water acidity, and nutrients—that affect plant health.
Is growing CBD-rich cannabis any different from growing THC-dominant cannabis?
The same growing techniques apply to CBD-rich cannabis and high-THC cannabis. Much like growing high-THC strains, harvesting earlier or later can impact the cannabinoid levels as well as the terpenoid profile of the plant. For somewhat higher CBD content, try harvesting CBD plants a couple weeks earlier than one would typically harvest a high THC strain.
Does CBD interact with other medications?
Yes. CBD inhibits the cytochrome P450 enzyme, which is involved in metabolizing many drugs. Compounds in grapefruit inhibit the same enzyme group, which is why physicians advice patients not to eat grapefruit shortly before or after taking a medication. By inhibiting cytochrome P450, CBD can either reduce or increase the effects of other drugs. In some situations, it may be advisable for a physician to monitor a patient’s blood levels of other medications while taking CBD.
What do you mean when you say a cannabis strain or product is "CBD-rich" or "CBD dominant"?
By “CBD-rich,” we mean a cannabis strain or product that has equal amounts of CBD and THC, or more CBD than THC (usually at least 4 percent CBD by dry weight). By “CBD-dominant,” we mean strains or products that are CBD-rich but have very little THC content.
If CBD is non-psychoactive, does that mean it is legal?
Cannabidiol and all other plant cannabinoids are Schedule I drugs in the US (per code 7372). So, technically, CBD is forbidden in any form (as an isolate or plant-based derivitive) in the states despite its lack of addictive potential and strong safety profile. In other words, although CBD is not psychoactive, it is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government. That said, there are exceptions. American scientists with a DEA license in some cases are permitted to experiment with pure synthetic CBD.
Some online businesses falsely claim that CBD oil derived from industrial hemp grown abroad is legal in all 50 U.S. states, as long as the THC content of this oil is less than .3 percent (in accordance with federal rules regarding industrial hemp products). Currently, it’s against federal law to use hemp leaves and flowers to make drug products. Hemp oil entrepreneurs attempt to sidestep this legal hurdle by claiming they extract CBD only from hemp stalk before importing it to the United States, a grey area activity at best. Although the FDA has issued warning letters against some CBD hemp oil companies for making false claims about their products, thus far the federal government has not take action to halt these illegal business operations. The situation is different in Europe, where CBD is not a controlled substance.
Are your products legal?
CBD from hemp is considered a dietary supplement and is legal to purchase and ship to all 50 states. Our CBD hemp oil is an imported hemp product, and contains less than 0.3% THC by weight and is thus exempt from the Federal Controlled Substances Act.
Marijuana laws become less uniform on a global level. If you’d like to know if CBD hemp oil is legal in your country, contact us or check with your local authorities.
Will your products get me high?
No, they won’t. Our products are all made with high-CBD, low-THC hemp oil. CBD is non-psychoactive, and THC, marijuana’s psychoactive compound, is only present in trace amounts – not nearly enough to cause the high associated with marijuana.
Why does your hemp oil come in a syringe?
Our hemp oil comes in a syringe for easier measuring of doses and more convenient dispensing. There is no needle, and our hemp oil is typically applied to a spoon or butter knife and taken orally. You don’t inject our CBD hemp oil.
Are your products safe?
Yes. All our hemp crops are grown free of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, so our quality starts with our hemp plants.
From the time our hemp oil is harvested to the manufacturing and shipping of our products, we test our hemp oil multiple times to ensure accuracy in potency information and to check for contaminants like pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and mold, as well as cannabinoid content.
We also use a supercritical CO2 method when we extract our hemp oil, instead of harsh solvents. CO2 is a much healthier choice than other potential solvents and is “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS) by the FDA.
Do I need a medical card to buy your products?
No. Because our products are dietary supplements, there is no need to obtain a doctor’s recommendation or to live in a medical marijuana state to have our products delivered to your door.
However, before beginning any new supplement routine, it is suggested you consult your doctor.
How much CBD should I take?
This is a difficult question to answer because our customers find differences in their personally optimal serving size. We recommend you start low and work your way up to larger amounts if desired. We also strongly recommend that whatever product you choose, you consume it to completion before making your decision about if CBD hemp oil is right for you.
If you have questions about which CBD product may be best, please contact our customer service department.
Will your products cure/treat my...?
Because our CBD hemp oil products are categorized as dietary supplements in the United States, we comply with the FDA’s DSHEA guidelines and cannot endorse any specific medical benefits of CBD or our hemp oil.
We encourage you to browse the thousands of reputable studies regarding CBD published online, and talk with your doctor to see if a CBD supplement is right for you.
Which CBD hemp oil product is right for me?
This will very much depend on your own personal preference, desired CBD quantities, and preferred means of application. Typically, CBD products fall under one of two categories: topicals, which are applied externally, or dietary supplements, which are taken internally.
Live Life CBD has a wide selection of products featuring different flavors, potencies, and consistencies.
Is CBD from hemp as good as CBD from marijuana?
As far as your body is concerned, CBD is CBD, regardless of whether it comes from marijuana or hemp. It’s important to keep in mind that hemp and marijuana are simply different varieties of the same plant, cannabis sativa L. The defining characteristic that makes hemp different from marijuana is its extremely low volume of THC.
One of the major selling points for getting your CBD from hemp instead of marijuana is hemp’s exceptionally low THC level, which allows for a higher CBD intake with none of the effects of THC.
What's the difference between CBD hemp oil and the hemp products I buy at the grocery store?
Hemp products sold in stores are most often made with hemp seed oil, which can contain only trace amounts of CBD. While it has been noted that hemp seed oil can be a great source of nutrition, it's marginal quantity of CBD per weight makes it unfeasible as a CBD supplement.
Our CBD hemp oil, however, is extracted from the stalk of specifically selected hemp cultivars, offering higher percentages of CBD by weight and additional nutritional benefits from the contents of our oil.
What is in your Hemp Oil?
Besides CBD, our hemp oil contains various other cannabinoids, Omega 3 6 essential fatty acids, and over a dozen vitamins and minerals, like iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, B, C, and E, and beta-Carotene, often missing from the average diet.
Where does your Hemp come from?
Why should I use CBD from natural sources?
Unlike synthetically created or chemically derived CBD, which removes the cannabinoid from the rest of the plant’s extract, our CBD hemp oil is extracted from the plant in a process that also pulls all of the plant’s fatty acids, waxes, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and terpenes and flavonoids, along with the various cannabinoids present, for a more complete dietary supplement.
Often called the “entourage effect”, this method of using CBD takes advantage of the whole plant, letting the body interact with the hemp in its natural state.
Synthetic CBD is also a controlled substance in the United States.
I heard the FDA was shutting down CBD companies, Is this true?
The FDA has warned companies marketing CBD products not to make any claims about the use of CBD to treat or prevent disease. This is due to the fact that the FDA has not approved CBD or any other cannabinoid for any medical indications and does not currently regard it as having medicinal benefit.
We were not among the companies warned by the FDA, and as an industry leader, we make it a point to remain conservatively compliant with all FDA guidelines. We never make claims about the benefits of our products and, instead, encourage you to do your own research and discuss your concerns with your doctor before starting any new dietary supplement.
If a hemp extract is 40% cannabinoids, what's the other 60%? What's in your hemp extracts besides the naturally occurring cannabinoids?
Our Kentucky hemp extracts contain over 80 different phyto-cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD), CBC, CBG, CBN, etc.. In addition to the cannabinoids naturally present in our agricultural hemp extracts, there are also many other types of natural molecules and phyto-chemical compounds such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins (including B1, B2, B6, D), fatty acids (including omega 3 6), trace minerals (including iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium), beta-carotene, chlorophyll, flavanoids, ketones, nitrogenous compounds, alkanes, glycosides, pigments, water, and terpenes. The most common terpenes in our hemp extracts are Myrcene, Beta-caryophyllene, Terpinolene, Linalool, alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene, Nerolidol og Phytol, trans-alpha-Bergamotene, Limonene/ beta-Phellandrene (Co-elution), and alpha-Humulene.
What's the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?
Scientifically, industrial Hemp and Marijuana are the same plant, with a genus and species name of Cannabis Sativa. They have a drastically different genetic profile though. Industrial Hemp is always a strain of Cannabis sativa, while marijuana can be Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis. The major difference is how industrial hemp has been bred compared to a marijuana form of Cannabis sativa. Typically speaking, industrial hemp is very fibrous, with long strong stalks, and barely has any flowering buds, while a marijuana strain of Cannabis sativa will be smaller, bushier, and full of flowering buds. However, newer industrial hemp varieties in the USA are being bred to have more flowers and higher yields of cannabinoids and terpenes, such as our hemp we’re now using!
99% of the time marijuana has a high amount of THC and only a very low amount of CBD. Hemp, on the other hand, naturally has a very high amount of CBD in most instances, and only a trace amount of THC. Fortunately, the cannabinoid profile of hemp is ideal for people looking for benefits from cannabis without the ‘high.’ Hemp is used for making herbal supplements, food, fiber, rope, paper, bricks, oil, natural plastic, and so much more, whereas marijuana is usually used just recreationally, spiritually, and medicinally. The term cannabis oil can refer to either a marijuana or hemp derived oil, since marijuana and hemp are two different forms of cannabis.
In the USA the legal definition of “industrial hemp,” per Section 7606 of the Agricultural Appropriations Act of 2014, is “INDUSTRIAL HEMP — The term ‘‘industrial hemp’’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.”
Are hemp derived cannabinoids such as CBD as good as CBD from marijuana?
The short answer is yes. CBD is CBD, whether from marijuana or hemp. Most marijuana has a very low non-psychoactive cannabinoid profile (like CBD, CBC, CBG), so most of the time hemp would be much more preferable for anything besides THC. Marijuana is usually very high in THC (gives people the high) but usually very low in other non-psychoactive cannabinoids.
Nowadays in the USA, many farmers are growing industrial hemp flowers that are just as beautiful, odor-producing, and terpene rich as the best marijuana strains, such as our partnered farmers in USA.
What's the percentage of cannabinoids and CBD in your product?
Our raw extracts have varying percentages of cannabinoid and cannabidiol (CBD) content, the range being 10%-99%. Each product has a unique formulation and uses varying ratios of our extract types. Our CBD Isolate is over 99% pure CBD.
What is the best method of use?
For our dietary supplements we can only recommend them for internal consumption. Our CBD isolate is for research purposes only. If you don’t like the flavor of the oil supplements, you can mix with something sweet like apple sauce or honey to cut through the flavor.
What's the ideal serving size for me, and how often should I take it?
There is no easy answer to this. Our starting recommended serving size is 15 drops but we generally recommend experimenting to see what feels best to you. Some prefer 5 drops, some prefer over 50 drops per day.
What is the safety of your hemp extracts? Are there negative side effects?
Hemp is considered by many to be generally safe. We’ve never seen or heard of any significant or negative side effects in our years in the industry. That said, we can’t rule them out. Please consult with your physician before using any dietary supplement including Hemp extract supplements.
Which of your CBD and hemp products should I get?
As a company who sells various dietary and food supplements, we can’t suggest any of our products for the prevention, treatment or cure of any disease or ailment.
When considering our different dietary hemp products, know that they all come in two strengths. Our Original Hemp blends (Classic Hemp Blend, Hemp Complete, Brainpower oil, Signature Blend) all have 250+mg of cannabinoids per fluid ounce, and our concentrated blends have 1,500+mg per fluid ounce, six times the potency of our traditional oils. We’ve found that sometimes less is more, but nevertheless, some people like to take very large serving sizes of our hemp extracts.
The main difference between the four Original Blends is the additional herbal ingredients besides hemp. We suggest you research the separate components of each blend to determine which product may be most appealing to add to your dietary regimen. If you know it’s solely the hemp extract that you are looking for, with no additional ingredients, then Classic Hemp Blend or Classic Hemp 6x is what you’re looking for.
For dabbing and vaporizing or for research you can try our CBD Isolate.
Why do people use Hemp Extracts and CBD? What are the benefits and uses of CBD?
In accordance with federal regulations we cannot make health claims regarding our dietary supplement products. We can only recommend our products for general wellness.
Is a standard hemp seed oil the same as a high-CBD hemp extract?
Absolutely not. Standard hemp oil, which can be found very cheaply at a grocery store, is a much different product than our CO2 hemp extracts (not from seed). Standard hemp oil is produced by cold pressing the seeds, whereas our hemp extract is a supercritical CO2 extraction of the hemp plant itself, not the seeds. Hemp seed oil is considered to be a great nutritive food, but it doesn’t have the naturally occurring terpenes, cannabinoids and other components that our extracts do have.
Where do you source your hemp and CBD from?
We have partners in Las Vegas who grew a dedicated plot for us this year (2017) which is being used in our products now.
What kind of testing / analysis is performed on your products?
We have an industry leading quality control system, and we have third party laboratories analyze all of our hemp extracts and our final products for cannabinoid potency, heavy metals, bacterial and microbial life, mycotoxins (fungus), and pesticides.
What is CO2 extraction? What's the difference between sub-critical and super-critical CO2 extraction?
CO2 extraction is an extraction process that uses pressurized carbon dioxide to extract phyto-chemicals (such as CBD, CBG, or terpenes, flavonoids, etc.) from a plant. CO2 at certain temperatures and pressures acts like a solvent, without the dangers of actually being one. It is the most expensive extraction method, and is widely considered the most effective and safest plant extraction method in the world.
Many hemp and CBD companies boast about their supercritical CO2 extractions, but that’s actually only one (and perhaps an inferior) method of using a CO2 extraction machine. There are also subcritical CO2 extractions, and ‘mid-critical’, a general range between subcritical and supercritical. Subcritical (low temp, low pressure) CO2 extractions take more time and produce smaller yields than super-critical, but they retain the essential oils, terpenes, and other sensitive chemicals within the plant. Supercritical, on the other hand, is a high pressure and high temperature process that damages most terpenes and heat sensitive chemicals, but can extract much larger molecules such as lipids (omega 3 and 6), chlorophyll, and waxes. A truly full-spectrum CO2 extract includes first performing a subcritical extraction, separating the extracted oil, and then extracting the same plant material using supercritical pressure, and then homogenizing both oil extracts into one. In the essential oil industry, an extract made using this specific process is referred to as a CO2 Total.
What is the endocannabnoid system (ECS)?
“The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the mammalian brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, consisting of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors.” Wikipedia
There are two main types of receptors in the ECS, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are primarily located in the central nervous system and brains of mammals, and CB2 are generally found in the peripheral nervous system. There are two main cannabinoids mammals produce- 2AG and Anandamide (named after the Sanskrit term “ananda” which translates to “peace”).
For hundreds of millions of years every vertebrate on Earth has been equipped with this ECS, a crucial system in the body, and it has been known about in the scientific and medical communities since the 1980’s. However, it’s still not taught about in most medical schools.
Does CBD Drip need a GCC form?
CBD Drip is not subject to the CNPPA because it only applies to substances containing nicotine. CBD Drip does not contain any nicotine.
Does CBD Drip get you high?
No, Industrial hemp by its nature is naturally low in THC, unlike it’s sister plant cannabis which has substantially higher content of THC and has a euphoric effect on people. CBD Drip products are non-psychoactive.
How Does CBD work?
In the last 20 years, natural cannabinoid receptor systems have been discovered in the human body. It is binding to these receptors that cannabinoids produce their pharmacological effects. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors in humans, CB1 CB2. CB1 receptors are present in the brain, spinal cord and certain peripheral tissues. CB2 receptors are found primarily in immune tissues.
How Does our product differ from others?
CBD is not always what it seems. Many of the companies are now using synthetic CBD crystal isolates to make their products. That is why we emphasize the words, “full spectrum CBD oil”, which means you are getting all of the cannabinoids of the plant, and not just the single molecule of CBD. Isolated CBD has been researched and has shown to have very little therapeutic effect.
How strong are these products?
Cannabinoid levels vary. CBD and THC levels, known as cannabinoids vary between plants. Marijuana plants grown for recreational use tend to be high in THC and have varying amounts of CBD. Industrial Hemp, which are to very low in THC, while medical marijuana plants are typically high in CBD.
Is our CBD synthetic?
Cannabinoid levels vary. CBD and THC levels, known as cannabinoids vary between plants. Marijuana plants grown for recreational use tend to be high in THC and have varying amounts of CBD. Industrial Hemp, which are to very low in THC, while medical marijuana plants are typically high in CBD.
Is CBD a drug?
CBD is a natural occurring substance found in the cannabis plant; a plant that has been known and used by man for over 5,000 years. It has been incorporated into man's life for so long, the human body even has it's own endocannabinoid system, (ECS), with receptors found in our nervous system and our immune system to bind with CBD and THC. This is not unlike how we utilize other nutrients we consume to keep our health and wellness optimum. It could be said that CBD might be a dietary supplement we are meant to take regularly like vitamins and minerals. It is a neuroprotectant and an antioxidant, offering preventive qualities, such as vitamin C preventing scurvy. It has been used medicinally all over the world, treating chronic pain, auto immune conditions, cancer cell destruction, and many other ailments. It is even being studied for its effects on epi-genetics as a preventative substance that may help humans avoid such conditions as Alzheimer's, Muscular Sclerosis, and Senile Dementia. Most importantly, it may the best supplement ever to help the cessation of addictive substances and behaviors such as smoking cigarettes, taking opiates, and alcohol. In the area of psychotherapy, CBD may be the most promising preventative substance in the treatment of PTSD. Based on the definition of a drug above; CBD does not alter the structure of the body, it only optimizes its intended function of that structure, whether it be a neuron or an immune cell in the body. CBD does not alter the function of the body, again it only optimizes it. CBD restores and replenishes, it has no notable physiological changes in a persons vital signs even at very high doses in the range of 1500 mg. It has no apparent toxicity documentations and it appears that the body only absorbs and uses what it needs, just like most vitamins and other nutrients. With the increase in allergies, auto-immune disorders and epidemic PTSD in our world, CBD may be returning to our world just in time, as the most important nutrient we needed and are lacking in, not another drug.
What is the definition of a Drug?
Drugs are defined in part by their intended use; in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of a disease and articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animal.
What does "Active" CBD mean?
Active CBD refers to the complex, full spectrum molecular structure of the CBD molecule, along with the Terbenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids that make up the "Entourage Effect". This maximized, active complex structure provides the most natural, wellness supplement to the body; offering the optimum opportunity for restoration and prevention.
What does "Aerial" CBD mean?
Aerial refers to the part of the cannabis plant that is above the ground that is harvested to produce the CBD oil. Many companies are vague about this term, and speak only to the stalk of the Industrial Hemp plant, as the leaf and resins are often disputed in the law, depending on the state. The leaf and the resin increase the amount of aerial CBD available in each plant so it is a waste not to use it.
What is the difference between Hempseed Oil and CBD Oil?
Hempseed Oil is made from crushing the cannabis seeds which are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, (to maintain healthy cholesterol/lipid levels in the body), as well as other dietary supplements. Many people drink this daily. There is no CBD or THC in the seeds and therefore, not in the seed oil. CBD Oil is made by a CO2 extraction process, which gently pulls the oil from the stalk, leaf, and resins. Both are said to be from Industrial Hemp which is Cannabis Sativa.
What is the difference between Industrial Hemp and Cannabis Sativa?
Cannabis Sativa is the species of cannabis that produces both plants. The common name Hemp was given to the cultivated Sativa plant because of it's use, (originally for its fiber to make rope, clothing and sails), and now days, because of it's high CBD content and low THC content. The federal laws have dictated that any cannabis containing more than 0.3% THC is "Marijuana", and therefore illegal and a drug to be controlled at a minimum. Cannabis Sativa grown for hemp type use is only grown with permits within the United States. The obvious problem is that both types of this cultivated plant, Sativa, to the average person, looks the same and therefore hard to control. Perhaps we need to redefine all cannabis by its cannabinoids content, revising the taxonomy to reflect subspecies cultivated for specific use such as recreational, medicinal, a food supplement, and spiritual. And finally, to make all species legal to use as desired.
What is Clean Green Certified?
Cannabis Sativa is the species of cannabis that produces both plants. The common name Hemp was given to the cultivated Sativa plant because of it's use, (originally for its fiber to make rope, clothing and sails), and now days, because of it's high CBD content and low THC content. The federal laws have dictated that any cannabis containing more than 0.3% THC is "Marijuana", and therefore illegal and a drug to be controlled at a minimum. Cannabis Sativa grown for hemp type use is only grown with permits within the United States. The obvious problem is that both types of this cultivated plant, Sativa, to the average person, looks the same and therefore hard to control. Perhaps we need to redefine all cannabis by its cannabinoids content, revising the taxonomy to reflect subspecies cultivated for specific use such as recreational, medicinal, a food supplement, and spiritual. And finally, to make all species legal to use as desired.
Why would Hemp (instead of marijuana) be grown for cannabidiol (CBD)?
Industrial hemp is already rich in CBD and naturally low in THC, whereas most marijuana is just the opposite (high THC, low CBD). Our industrial hemp is considered Cannabis sativa L., although we have developed our own unique cultivars of this particular type of industrial hemp.
Through a combination of these unique cultivars, advanced plant genetics, and cutting-edge growing techniques, an exceptionally high percentage of CBD can be produced naturally and consistently in the hemp plant. When CBD-rich hemp oil is extracted from these hemp cultivars—which can be grown in dozens of countries and imported to the USA legally—it doesn’t make legal or practical sense to obtain CBD from marijuana.
Will CBD help me if i'm healthy?
Each individual is unique and has different wellness goals they are interested in addressing through the consumption and application of our products. Although some of our founders are medical professionals, we cannot make medical claims about the benefits of our products. The products sold from this website are considered nutritional supplements or food (according to FDA guidelines) until we have completed clinical testing and have received regulatory approvals.
Nonetheless, the feedback we have received from a variety of consumers has been tremendously positive. We encourage you to discuss CBD with your physician or healthcare practitioner if you have any specific health-related questions or concerns. There are also many independent studies about CBD available on the internet.
Are CBD and THC the same thing?
No, they are different compounds. CBD and THC are both cannabinoids, but THC is the cannabinoid that gets you “high” or “stoned.” CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you “high.”
Do you use Hemp plants from China?
No, Live Life CBD does not use hemp from China. All of our hemp is organically grown and processed in choice locations of North America, before being sent to the U.S. and other countries.
Can I purchase Live Life CBD in bulk for my fitness club, natural product store, nursing home or other business?
Yes, Live Life CBD is available for wholesale purchase. We are actively seeking to partner with organizations and businesses who share our interest in promoting good health on a global scale. Certain criteria exist to qualify as Live Life CBD wholesaler or distributor.
What is the shelf life of Live Life CBD? Can it be frozen?
All Live Life CBD is shipped fresh, and it has a shelf life of one year when refrigerated. It can be frozen to extend shelf life up to two years or longer.
How do you transport Live Life CBD? Is it kept cold?
We ship Live Life CBD only by air freight courier on air-conditioned planes from U.S.A. There is 1-2 days travel time before landing in our laboratory and packing facility.
How long can I store my CBD oil and cream?
We recommend that you only store the CBD oil for up to one year, while the CBD cream can be used or stored for a maximum of two years.
Why has my bank card been rejected?
Because we can only send our products to countries in U.S.A, our payment gateway only allows payments with debit and credit cards from U.S.A banks.
If you do not have a bank card from U.S.A, when you place your order, indicate that you would like to pay by bank transfer. As soon as your order is complete we will send you an email with the bank transfer details, so that you can make the deposit.
My bank card is a U.S.A bank card, but the payment still hasn't been accepted. What is happening?
We have a secure payment gateway, which has an encryption system that only accepts cards that have 3D secure payment.
What is 3D secure payment?
Not seeing the answer to one or more of your questions? Please feel free to ask us with the Contact Us form. We're always happy to talk about our fantastic products and how they help so many.